We hope that you have had a lovely summer with your families. We are looking forward to seeing everybody back and welcoming our new children and parents on Wednesday 6th September 2023.

It will be an exciting morning for many parents on Wednesday. The NSPCC and security experts have issued some advice for parents sharing Back to School photos on social media which can be seen in the video.

PE Days (Autumn 1) - Children can attend school in active wear:

Reception - Friday

Year 1 - Wednesday Afternoon / Friday Afternoon

Year 2 - Tuesday Afternoon / Thursday Afternoon

Year 3 - Monday Afternoon / Thursday Afternoon

Year 4 - Monday Afternoon / Thursday Afternoon

Year 5 - Wednesday Swimming / Friday Morning

Year 6 - Tuesday Afternoon / Friday Afternoon

Reminder: As the new school year is just days away, please make sure that all earrings are removed before the start of school on Wednesday as these are not permitted in our uniform policy. 

Reminder: We are a Nut Aware School. Please can we ask you to be aware that we have nut allergies within our school, and to consider peanut/nut alternatives for individual pupil lunches and snacks out of consideration to children with severe, life-threatening allergies. ​Food brought to share or distribute cannot​ have any peanut or nut ingredients, including peanut/nut oils or peanut/nut flour.

Here’s to a fantastic new academic year ahead!!!