In January 2024, the school was inspected and found to be living up to its foundation as a Church school. You can find the full report below.
We are very proud of the inspection findings with the key strengths of our school being recognised:
- The school’s ambitious, Christian vision drives all decisions, big and small. Leaders at all levels, including governors, ensure that all develop in mind, body and spirit so that they may flourish.
- Pupils independently and confidently challenge injustice as authentic agents of change as a result of a cohesive and intentionally planned curriculum. Pupils hold the firm belief that all should experience 'life in all its fullness'.
- Effective relationships enable pupils and adults to flourish. Proactive support is offered in partnership and, in turn, pupils learn how to help themselves.
- Collective worship is skilfully planned and highly valued by pupils, parents and staff. It provides opportunities to explore ideas about the Christian faith and their own beliefs.
- The school celebrates its pupils’ many strengths. Pupils, including those who are vulnerable, are proud of their own achievements as well as the achievements of others. They recognise the importance of the contribution they make to their community.
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