School Development Priorities 2024-2025:

Target 1 – Development of the MIND

Build on current systems to develop a professional learning system that enables 'great teaching.'


An evidence-based culture is embedded with opportunities for teachers to reflect, identify areas to develop, and build expertise. There is a need to enhance this further to ensure consistency and rigor, and to build and share adaptive expertise. A professional learning system that has a demonstrable impact and is based on pedagogical knowledge and skills will foster a culture of continual improvement.

Target 2 – Development of the MIND

Identify in the curriculum the essential 'ready to progress' core knowledge pupils, including those with SEND, need to know and remember.


The curriculum is ambitious and well-sequenced from early years to Year 6. The next step in curriculum development across the wider curriculum is to identify the essential knowledge that all pupils, including those with SEND, need to know and remember. This will ensure that teachers are clear on which knowledge is most important when planning activities.

Target 3 – Development of the MIND

Ensure the foundations of writing are instilled in pupils to enable more accelerated progress and develop fluent, accurate writers.


By the time pupils leave school, their writing is above the national expectation. However, there are some specific areas that need attention as pupils move through school. There is a need for a more robust approach to developing the foundations of writing in younger pupils so they can progress more rapidly from their starting points.

Target 4 – Development of the MIND

Enhance opportunities to enable more children to achieve greater depth within the wider curriculum and writing.


Writing attainment across the school is lower than in reading and maths, with fewer children working at greater depth. While most pupils make expected progress in wider curriculum subjects, there is a need to accelerate the progress of more able pupils. Increasing the number of children achieving greater depth in a range of subjects will support overall improvement.

Target 5 – Development of the MIND and BODY

Continue to work towards being a fully trauma-informed school, ensuring provision focuses on a relational approach to working with children.


Research strongly advocates viewing children's difficulties through various trauma lenses and ensures all staff work with neurodiversity in mind. Significant actions have been taken to develop and embed these approaches. This now needs consolidating and sustaining into a long-term culture to ensure lasting impact.

Target 6 – Development of the SPIRIT

Ensure the religious education curriculum for world faiths, other than Christianity, supports pupils in understanding them as diverse, living faiths.


RE has a high profile within the school, and pupils enjoy the chance to learn more about different beliefs and views. Pupils are supported by a detailed, progressive curriculum that provides them with a secure knowledge of Christianity. The school has thought carefully about how to promote the idea of Christianity as a living faith with diverse beliefs, and this now needs extending to include other world faiths.