School Development Priorities 2023-2024:

Target 1 – Development of the MIND

Sustain improvements and further develop a rigorous and forensic approach to early reading.


Across school ‘practice has developed rapidly’ (English Hub Literacy Specialist). This is reflected within provision and outcomes in the 2022/23 academic year. School has been invited to be a Wave 5 partner with the English Hub for the next 3 years. This will focus on quality CPD, forensic use of data to drive improvement and enhancing the skills of every reading teacher. School need to ensure that the recent significant developments are sustainable long term.

Target 2 – Development of the MIND

To close the attainment gap in writing compared to other core subjects by integrating the development of executive functions.


Across the school, writing attainment is lower than that of reading and maths. Although it is above the national average, it is still closer to the national figures for age-related expectations in comparison to reading and maths. The achievement of greater depth in writing at Year 2 and Year 6 is slightly below the national figures.

Target 3 – Development of the MIND and BODY

Continue to work towards being a fully trauma informed school ensuring provision focusses on relational approach to working with children.


Research strongly advocates viewing children's difficulties through the various trauma lenses and ensures all staff are working with neurodiversity in mind.

Target 4 – Development of the MIND and BODY

Continue to build a coherent and responsible behaviour curriculum by enabling children to become successfully self-regulating through understanding the executive functions and how to nurture these.


Implementation of the new behaviour policy and curriculum has highlighted the need to improve consistency in the expectations and language used by all staff.

Target 5 – Development of the SPIRIT

Ensure an embodiment of the vision that reflects stakeholder articulation and understanding, with a more robust approach to vision and spirituality.


Over the past few years, stakeholders have gained more confidence in articulating the school's vision and its approach to spirituality. In the last academic year, actions were taken in line with the vision to reinforce its biblical rooting and apply it to daily life, as well as connect it to the broader world. These efforts can now be expanded upon to foster the genuine flourishing of all pupils.