The Howard School has an enthusiastic, well supported PTA known as the Howard School Association. When your child starts here, parents automatically become a member of the HSA which is a registered school charity. Loads of school mums and dads are actively involved in it and it's our job to do two things…
The first is to raise money for our school. Parents here have always been extremely generous of their time and their money and everything that is raised goes straight back to the school to benefit all the children. in the past funds raised have purchased a wooden activity trail for the back playground; a school stage; a range of reading books and mathematics equipment; new playground markings; a new outdoor classroom in our wooded area and an Egg-loo!
Our second and equally important job, is to make everyone at the Howard School feel like part of a community and to organise things that are fun for our children and their families. Each year we run all school events such as a Summer Fair, Spooky Discos, Bake Sales, Coffee Mornings and even a family summer BBQ - a highlight of the year! But we also get involved in smaller things such as uniform sales and Mothers/Fathers Day gift sales. All these are put on by HSA members and help to bridge the gap between home and school.
The HSA are always looking for new supporters and volunteers so if you would like to get involved please leave your details with the school office and a member of the HSA committee with contact you.
You can also keep up to date with upcoming HSA events on the Calendar Page of the School Website.