Ackworth Howard School is a school that dedicates itself to providing a Christian environment that offers all children the highest quality of teaching and learning opportunities. We actively support the spiritual growth for learners wherever they are on their faith journey and develop their knowledge of the Bible and Christian teaching. We have close links to St Cuthbert’s Church in Ackworth. (Spirit)
Religious Education has a high profile in school life with lessons providing fully for the needs of all learners. The Christian values of COMPASSION, FORGIVENESS, FRIENDSHIP and TRUST empower learners to lead by example. (Mind and Spirit)
Incorporating both Understanding Christianity and Wakefield Local Authority Agreed Syllabus, we have developed our curriculum and Howard Essentials. The children have the opportunity to explore the stories and themes of the Old and New Testaments and core Christian values. We also teach children about world faiths and perspectives. (Body)
Pupils develop a clear understanding of Christianity and a broad range of religious beliefs. The pupils use their skills of enquiry, analysis, interpretation, reflection and evaluation to understand the impact of religion on believers. (Spirit)
Pupils have a thorough knowledge and sound understanding of the Christian faith through a wide range of learning opportunities, such as weekly Religious Education lessons, daily acts of collective worship, church services and educational visits. Pupils are able to make real links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of the different faiths. (Mind, Body and Spirit)
Worship is a key part of our school life. We engage in daily worship and children are encouraged to participate. Reverend Paul / Reverend Karen regularly deliver collective worship and we also have visitors from other Christian denominations to lead worship. The whole school attend church for special services such as Christmas, Easter and Y6 Leavers as well as Y4 and Y6 who visit church during the year to take part in community services. (Spirit)