
Deeply Christian, Serving the Common Good...

Educating for ‘life in all its fullness.’

Providing opportunities for growth in mind, body and spirit through inspirational and innovative education underpinned by a deeply Christian ethos. Those who learn and work here will develop confidence, embrace creativity and enhance their knowledge and skills so that they can experience ‘life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10)


High expectations and aspirations in all areas of school life create an inspirational learning environment where knowledge is acquired through discovery. Creativity, the development of academic habits and skills, and broadening children’s hopes and aspirations help to engender an enjoyment for learning and secure excellent pupil outcomes. Learners are well prepared for any future path they choose.


Safety and wellbeing of learners is paramount, where every child matters and, crucially knows they matter. Learners are welcome to explore who they are, develop confidence and emotional intelligence thus ensuring that they become the best versions of themselves within an accepting and understanding community.


Supporting spiritual growth for learners, wherever they are on their faith journey, is central to our community life. Prayer and worship are supported by an innovative curriculum where ideas are expressed creatively to develop the spirit and contribute to life in all its fullness. Our school values of Compassion, Forgiveness, Friendship and Trust are embodied in our nurture and encouragement of all.

Theological Rooting of the Vision:

As a Church of England school, the school mirrors the church’s vision for an education which promotes ‘life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). Its core purpose is to educate the whole child; uniting excellence and academic rigour with spiritual, social, moral and cultural development - enabling every child to flourish.

Jesus said ‘I have come that you may have life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10). He calls us to a full life in mind, body and spirit. Jesus is the good shepherd and inspires us in our purpose of striving to provide wisdom, guidance, restoration and comfort just like the loving shepherd. Offering protection and educating against dangers, ensuring positive global citizens and the safety of all God’s children.

In this verse, Jesus says he has come ‘in order that you might have life - life in all its fullness’ it’s a reminder that it is possible for us to know a full life, in which we know the security of being in the hands of the good shepherd. ‘I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.’ (John 10:14).

Another way of expressing the idea of life to the full is to ask yourself what’s God’s story for your life? As educators we understand the importance of our role in facilitating their journey in this stage of God’s plan for them.

Jesus said 'Let the children come to me, Do not stop them. For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these' (Matthew 19:14). In saying this Jesus highlights the special place of children and their insight into the Gospel message. Children see what adults have become blind to, therefore have great gifts to offer. We see this in our school community time and time again: in the insight and wisdom of the children, their ability to see what we don't and we have to become like them to gain their wisdom.
