
Everyone certainly made a noise about bullying last week – Thank you for also joining in!!!

The children have amazed us with their thought-provoking work which has truly left us inspired and moved, particularly after the Stay and Learn sessions. The support from parents was excellent, as we work together to create a safe and inclusive environment for our children.

Y3 Make a Noise…

Year 3 have been using their coding skills to ‘Make a Noise’ about bullying!

During their Stay & Learn session, they loved sharing their Anti Bullying Week

and scratch projects with their adults.

EYFS Make a Noise…

EYFS enjoyed their Stay and Learn session where they completed a range of activities linked to their PSED focus of being a kind friend.

We all Made a Noise…

Children have worked with their parents during our Stay and Learn sessions. The focus was ‘make a noise against bullying.’ Together they wrote poems for anti-bullying week that were thought-provoking and inspirational.

The Reading Ambassadors selected book recommendations linked to anti-bullying week.

We also celebrated Odd Socks Day to acknowledge that everyone is different and unique and that this is ok!