
The children in Code Club excelled themselves last week during a visit from the Head of Code Club UK, Tamasin. Now in our 6th year, Ackworth Howard Code Club is one of over 13000 such clubs in more than 160 countries around the world. The children were keen to share their creations with Tamasin, explaining how they used their coding skills to create an array of games and animations. Our Digital Leaders also had the opportunity to discuss their leadership roles in school.

Not only was Tamasin impressed with the children's knowledge and understanding of coding, but their use of collaboration and teamwork in overcoming setbacks was clear to see. They demonstrated that a love of coding is deeply embedded in our school culture, in the curriculum and beyond.

Tamasin said, "Thanks so much for letting me come and visit. I was really impressed by the members of your Code Club! They are very much in control of their coding and have great ideas about what they want to learn and create. I was particularly impressed by your Digital Leaders. Their attitude was great - a real enthusiasm for developing their own skills and using them to help everyone else in the school.

They really are a credit to you and I hope that they are able to recognise both the service they are providing and their own leadership skills! This a club where young people are making all their own decisions and as a result learning what they want to learn when they want to learn it. I think that this leads to the greatest confidence."

Well done to all the children involved!