In our school, our vision is rooted in our partnerships with the wider community, and it has been wonderful to see children flourishing as a result of this, especially over the past couple of weeks. We reflected upon this in our celebration worship on Friday.
The Sports Day and Family Fun Event last Friday demonstrated our strong partnership with parents and the positive culture we have in our school. The Year 1 Class Worship was also wonderful in this regard. Further afield, Year 5 have been working closely with the Wakefield Music Hub. They recently took part in The Big Drum concert alongside other schools, and our children have been actively engaging with various organisations and museums as well.
In addition to these local collaborations, our school is also making an impact on a national level. The Robotic Racers participated in the F1 in Schools National Finals on Saturday, which allowed us to promote ourselves in the world of STEM. Moreover, Mr Nunn facilitated a visit from Tamasin Greenough Graham, the Head of Code Club, last Monday. She was very impressed by our Code Club, with the visit promoting our school's reputation in a positive light.
Year 5 will be attending our annual pilgrimage to Northumberland this week, which directly promotes the school’s distinctiveness as a Church of England school. They will be following in the footsteps of St. Cuthbert, making meaningful links, connections, and experiences that promote the Christian vision and values. I know that they are really looking forward to this experience.
I thank everyone who strives to live our vision, volunteer time and provide our children with the best and most unique opportunities available. It is through these opportunities that children are able to push their own boundaries and achieve “life in all its fullness!”