Today we held an assembly to celebrate a proud and special moment for our school. We are very pleased to share with you that our fundraising has enabled our partner school to build a much needed classroom. The cement, sand, stone and paint were paid for through our fundraising money. The community were so grateful for our support that they came out to help build the classroom. This is the reason this project has been realised so quickly.

The visit last year inspired hope to our Tanzanianfriends. They really appreciated our gifts, prayers and thoughts. Since then, our Tanzanian link has been an important part of life in our school. Fundraising such as enterprising activities, school events, child led initiatives, fundraising days and sporting achievements have ensured this project could happen.

The government, villagers, school staff and children are so grateful for what we have done. It has had a huge impact in the village not just in the school but further afield.  Canon Arthur from Tanzania has sent a message of thanks to all within our school community who generously donated towards this project. The community have worked so hard knowing that wewere working with them shoulder to shoulder. The Headteacher of Mshikamano has sent us some cloth to say thank you which is on our display.

Well done everyone! The community are so happy and we have genuinely transformed lives. We are looking forward to further projects as we continue ‘working with and learning from.’