‘One small step for bear, one giant leap for bear kind.’ (Y5/6 Inspire Morning)
It is never too early to nurture the passions of future scientists and creatives, which is why we undertook our very own space launch!
The aim was to bring the curriculum alive and highlight to the children opportunities for endless possibilities that they can relate to the classroom in a real life context.
A team of experts came into school and gave an engaging presentation about the science and engineering of space flight, delivered a question and answer session in classrooms, followed by an unforgettable near-space launch from our school field.
Our school mascot Howard was the astronaut and was dressed in our school uniform, sporting a bandana made from the African fabric purchased during his recent Tanzania visit. This was to show how important the link is to us.
The children have had a fantastic experience with one child stating 'this is the best day ever!' The work that has come from this so far has been inspirational and there is much more to come!
Our school vision talks about learners having open aspirations of the future and we hope this activity has inspired a generation.
Check out the video: https://www.facebook.com/AckworthHowardSchool/videos/372824586675805/(link is external)
Check out the Pontefract and Castleford Express story: https://www.pontefractandcastlefordexpress.co.uk/education/blast-off-as-...(link is external)