
The All Saints Partnership is a collaborative partnership of Wakefield church schools and academies who believe in the value of sharing knowledge, experience and resources, in order to strive for excellence in the communities that we serve. 

“For the body is not one member, but many.” 1 Corinthians 12:14-16

We are one and we are strongest working together in unity. Teamwork is the key to living life in harmony.

The aims of our partnership are to:

  • Work collaboratively to improve teaching and learning across a broad and balanced range of subjects.
  • To achieve high standards across the partnership through sharing best practise and collaborative moderation.
  • Through joint CPD and network groups, we provide support for curriculum development.           
  • Promote mental wellbeing and spiritual development through positive relationships with ourselves, each other, the transcendent, nature and the environment.
  • To develop our community cohesion by providing opportunities for our children to grow in mutual respect and recognition of the diversity across the local and wider community, by enriching their cultural capital and developing them as well-rounded, global citizens.
  • To improve governance by developing networks, sharing good practise and joint training in order to ensure that governors are confident in their role and know what is expected of them to be effective.

We will achieve these aims by:

  • Providing opportunities for headteachers and senior leaders to network.
  • Allowing senior leadership members to take part in training.
  • Allowing all staff members to visit other schools within the partnership to develop their own practice.
  • For middle leaders at all levels to access development opportunities and to share best practice.
  • By sharing our Diocesan consultancy allocations for CPD.
  • By providing opportunities for our DSLs to work in collaboration during Safeguarding Network meetings.
  • Providing opportunities for our children to collaborate and to come together to share unique opportunities (such as participating in cultural learning and sporting activities).

The schools within the partnership are rooted in a Christian ethos.  It enables them to draw on the strengths of each school.  By working together, the partnership enables the schools to retain and enhance our unique Christian curriculums.  We recognise that each of the schools within the partnership will remain unique and autonomous in order to effectively meet the needs of their children and their communities.


  1. The partnership is not intended to create a legally binding agreement between the Governing bodies/schools. However, it cements the collaboration and secures ownership by all parties to help future proof the governance model.
  2. The partnership shall be reviewed annually by stakeholders to ensure that it is fulfilling its purpose and to make any necessary revisions. The Governing Bodies of the partner schools/academies will be asked to approve any significant revisions to the partnership.


• Be construed as a first step towards any more formal arrangement.

• Imply any movement towards joint or shared headship or governance.

• Support any expectation that HTs, leaders or other staff will ALWAYS be available to support other schools in the agreement.

• Imply any preference towards staff from partnership schools, when making staff appointments.